
CreepyPasta: The Watcher

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Do you ever get the feeling that you’re being watched? Have you ever seen something out of the corner of your eye, and turned around to see what it was, only to realize that there’s nothing there? Have you looked in the mirror and saw something standing behind you, but realize that it disappears when you blink? Have you woken up in a cold sweat and swearing that you felt something touch you in your sleep? What if I told you it wasn’t just your mind playing tricks on you? What if I told you that I’ve seen… It?

About two weeks ago I decided to invite two of my friends to spend a few days at my house. We had all moved away from the town where we first met, so we hadn’t seen each other in months. The three of us agreed to take the same vacation days off of work, and would all meet up at the airport. Leslie and I both lived only a couple of hours away from the agreed airport, so we were able to meet there relatively early and decided to spend the next couple of hours catching up. When Mattie’s plane finally arrived, he rode in my car with me, and Leslie followed close behind in her own car back to my house.
Our first night together was pretty normal. We talked about old times, caught each other up on our lives, played some games, drew pictures, and all around just had fun seeing each other again.
The next day is when things started getting… weird…
We all slept in till noon so we could attempt to stay up all night that night. That was our first mistake.
About two o’clock in the morning we were all sitting on my bed talking. I was telling them about someone who I’d met just a few weeks before and that I was sure that she was the one. Mattie was starting to get tired due to the effects of jet lag, and was falling asleep when he immediately darted awake, startling me and Leslie. He stared past us for a second, then shook his head and looked at us. Leslie and I both looked behind us to find what he was staring at, but there was nothing there except my snake’s terrarium, but the snake was asleep and hadn’t moved in the past hour.
Leslie leaned toward Mattie and whispered, “Are you ok?”
Mattie just stared at her with a confused look on his face. “I, uh… Y-yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. I guess I’m just tired…” He rubbed the back of his head and glanced over at me. “I’m sorry, you were saying something about a new girlfriend, right?”
I nodded. “Yeah… Are you sure you’re alright?”
He just forced a laugh and nodded. “Of course! I’m just tired, okay? Still not used to the time difference here, that’s all.”
Nothing else happened that night. We continued talking and laughing and ended up falling asleep around 4:30AM.  Again we slept in till noon, and again we planned on staying up all night. We did this every night for the next couple of days, and each night things started getting stranger and stranger. At first we thought our minds were just playing tricks on us, until things started happening that we couldn’t explain.
Everywhere we went we would feel someone watching us. We would see shadowy figures hiding just outside our field of vision. Each morning we would wake up with cuts and bruises that weren’t there before. At first it only happened at night, so we ultimately attributed the figures and feelings to lack of sleep and the marks to falling out of bed or tossing and turning in our sleep. Around the fourth day, however, things started happening throughout the day as well. On top of that, things started to disappear. It started with small stuff like pencils, some clothes, pieces to games we were playing, but it quickly escalated to more important stuff like our cell phones, car keys, and even my laptop.
As soon as this started happening, Leslie and I got into a fight. She accused me of stealing their stuff and playing stupid pranks to try and scare them. Considering my past love of scaring people and playing pranks, I don’t blame her for coming to that conclusion. But that doesn’t mean that I didn’t get mad. Now that I actually think about it, I guess it was stupid of me, but what can you do. It’s not like I can go back now and change anything.
I got fed up with her accusations and pushed her into a wall hard enough to cause the plaster to crack. I pressed my face so close to hers that our noses almost touched and started to yell. “Would you stop blaming me for this? I know about as much about what’s going on as you do! Unless,” I backed up and lowered my voice, “you have something you’d like to share?”
She pushed herself away from the wall and got in my face this time. “Oh, are you accusing me of this? You’re the one who invited us here! For all we know you could’ve planned this from the start!”
I raised my hand to slap her, but Mattie caught my wrist just before my hand could connect. He pulled me away from Leslie and stepped forward to place himself between us.
“Would you two please just calm down? Instead of accusing each other of being complete assholes, why don’t we work together to find out what the fuck is actually happening?” He glanced between us and waited for one of us to say something.
Leslie was the first to speak. She raised her hands in defeat and looked down. “Fine, fine. We’ll do it your way. But as soon as we find my keys, I’m leaving.” She lowered her hands and walked off.
Mattie let go of my wrist and I rubbed it to try and stop it from throbbing. “Sorry, Mattie. I didn’t mean…”
Mattie held his hand up to stop me. “Don’t worry about it. I just wanna find out what the hell’s going on.”
We went to bed early that night. We didn’t all sleep together like we had on the previous nights. Instead, Leslie took the spare bedroom and Mattie took the couch. Even though they weren’t with me for me to tell, I’m sure that they had as much trouble trying to sleep that night as I did.
The next morning I woke up to banging on my door. It sounded like someone was pounding on it with their fist and jiggling the doorknob trying frantically to get it to open. When I opened it, however, there was no one on the other side. I looked around and saw Mattie sitting at the table eating some cereal. I walked over and put my hand on his shoulder, causing him to jump and fling fruit loops and milk everywhere.
“Dammit, Demi! Don’t scare me like that!” He stood up and wiped milk off his face.
“I-I’m sorry!” I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a roll of paper towels, then came back and helped Mattie clean up. “I didn’t mean to startle you, I just wanted to ask you why…” I stopped cleaning and stared at him. “Wait. You weren’t the one banging on my door just now, were you?”
He stared at me like I was crazy. “What do you mean? I haven’t gone near your room all morning.”
“Did you see who was, then?”
He shook his head. “I haven’t seen anyone till you came out and scared me half to death.”
Leslie came out of the guest bedroom rubbing her eyes. “What’s going on?”
She lowered her hands and stared at the mess on the table. What we were staring at, however, wasn’t the mess. We were staring at her. Her face. More specifically: The long cut running down the left side of her face, all the way from her temple to her jaw.
Mattie snapped back into reality before I did. He dropped the wet paper towel to the ground and ran over to Leslie to get a closer look at her face. He grabbed her chin and the top of her head and pulled her closer to him. She tried to push him away but he told her to stop.
She started freaking out. “W-what’s going on?”
Mattie let go of her. “You have a large cut on the side of your face. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed it yet.”
She reached up to touch her cheek, but Mattie slapped her hand away. “Don’t touch it!” He looked back at me. “Hey, Demi! Do you have a first aid kit?”
That’s when I snapped out of my daze. I shook my head and started walking toward the bathroom. “Ah, yeah, I do. Give me a sec.”
I went straight to the cabinet under the sink and pulled out the small red box with a white cross on it. When I stood up, I saw my reflection in the mirror. But I wasn’t alone. Standing behind me was what looked like a tall, skinny, human-like figure. Just as soon as I saw it, it was gone, so I wasn’t able to get a good enough look at it to see any type of distinguishing features. It just looked like a shadow.
I ran out of the bathroom as fast as I could, almost dropping the box a couple of times as I did. When I got to the table I fell over and actually did drop it. Mattie and Leslie both rushed over to help me up.
“What the hell happened?” Mattie demanded.
I leaned back in the chair that they had helped me into and gasped for breath. “I-I saw… I saw something in…” I pointed a shaking finger at the bathroom. “In the mirror…”
Mattie went to examine the bathroom and came back almost immediately. He shrugged and shook his head. “There’s nothing there…”
I sat up and watched him start to rifle through the first aid kit. “What? I know it was there! I’m not crazy!”
He started wiping the blood off Leslie’s face and sighed. “I never said you were crazy. All I said was that whatever you saw isn’t there anymore.” He pulled out some sutures and bandages. “This is gonna hurt.”
Leslie braced herself and Mattie started stitching up her wound. When he was done he cleaned it again and covered it in bandages. He then wrapped his tools up in the excess bandages and threw them away, then put the box back in its place in the bathroom and helped me to finish cleaning the table.
After we had all calmed down a bit, we agreed that we should try and find out what was going on. Mattie and I sat at the table trying to come up with theories about what it could be while Leslie searched around the house for our missing stuff.
At first we thought that it was some sort of nutcase who snuck in and was trying to mess with us, but we immediately determined that that was impossible. My house is too small, and doesn’t have enough hiding places for someone to stay undetected for almost a week. Our next theory was a poltergeist. It seemed more likely, but I didn’t believe in the supernatural enough to immediately accept it. So we continued brainstorming, coming up with ideas like rabid animals, a child or small person living in the crawlspace under the house, and even demons! At first I thought we were just grasping at straws. Now I know that we were a lot closer than I could have ever imagined.
After a while we gave up on trying to guess what it was and decided to help Leslie look around. I started searching in every cabinet in the kitchen, then proceeded to take all the food out of the fridge. I was halfway done with putting it all back when I heard Mattie yell my name from my bedroom. I dropped the bottle of cranberry juice that I was holding and ran to the room. Oh god I wish I hadn’t. I wish I never opened that door. I wish I never invited them over. I wish… I wish I could just wake up from this fucking nightmare!
What I saw when I walked into that room made me freeze mid-step. I felt a lump form in my throat and my stomach started to churn. Mattie was standing over the bed, staring back at me. He was holding his hands up in front of him. They were covered in… Covered in blood. He was pale and shaking and looked as if he was going to pass out at any moment. When I looked at the bed, I immediately knew why. The comforter was dyed red. It had a few lumps under it, but I didn’t have to look under it to guess what they were. I tore my eyes away from the horror scene in front of me to look back at Mattie for answers but he just shook his head.
My knees buckled and I fell to the ground and started throwing up. The sight that I had just witnessed and the feeling of stomach acid burning my throat brought tears to my eyes and I started crying uncontrollably.
I wish I could say that was the end of it. I wish I could say that that thing’s only purpose had been fulfilled and that Mattie and I were safe. I wish I could go back and change all of this.
We left her there. We couldn’t bring ourselves to lift the comforter and see her, so we left her there. Mattie went into the bathroom to take a shower and wash all of the blood away, but left the door open. Neither of us wanted to be alone. We refused to be more than twenty feet apart, and wouldn’t close the doors between us or stand on opposite sides of the walls.
When he got out of the shower, we closed every door and went to sit on the couch. We didn’t talk to each other. We couldn’t. Even trying to talk brought up memories of what we saw, and neither of us could handle that. So we just sat in silence for the rest of the day. I started drifting off to sleep a few times, but images of the bedroom flashing in my mind caused me to bolt up every time. Eventually, though, late into the night, sleep finally got its hold over me. I don’t know how long I slept, nor do I care. All I know is that what woke me up was the sound of a door slamming.
At first I was a little disorientated. I didn’t know why I was on the couch and I didn’t know why I was in so much pain. Then the smell got to me. It smelled like a mixture of rotting meat and rusted metal.
I quickly looked around to see where Mattie was, but I couldn’t find him. What I did see, however, was the door to the guest bedroom. It was opened slightly. I distinctly remembered closing that door, which meant that someone had opened it while I was asleep. I got up slowly and walked as quietly as I could, first into the kitchen to get a knife, then toward the room. I pushed the door open with my foot and peered inside. I was met with the same sight as before. Comforter dyed red lying over six lumps on the bed. I tried my best to ignore it and look around the room for whoever did it, but no one was there. Of course no one was there. I don’t know why I thought any different, but I guess I had to try, right?
I left him like we had before. I didn’t touch the bed. I just left the room and closed the door.
I’ve tried leaving a few times, but all the doors and windows seem to be jammed shut. All the phones are still missing. My laptop is still missing too. I’ve tried banging on the walls to get the neighbors to help me or at least file a noise complaint, but to no avail. I guess who or whatever’s been doing all of this wants me cut off from the world.
Oh, and about that. I’m seeing him… It… That thing everywhere now. I’ve been alone for about four days now, making sure to keep drinking enough coffee and soda to keep myself awake, and I swear that it’s gotten more persistent. Even while writing this I can see it out of the corner of my eye, watching me. I’ve gotten the chance to see it a little more clearly in the last few hours. It looks like a man, but it’s too tall and skinny to be normal. It wears what looks like a black cloak of some kind, with the hood up to cover the top half of its face. All I can see is paper-white skin and a smile. It’s always smiling. I can see its teeth through the grin. They’re sharp and pointed. That many teeth shouldn’t be able to fit into a normal mouth. Why does it have so many teeth? It just licked its lips. That tongue is too long! How does it fit in that mouth?
I’m getting tired now. I don’t know how much longer I can stay awake… My eyelids are getting heavy. I’m sure that if I close my eyes for just a second………….

Headlines: Gruesome Murder-Suicide Shocks Small Town!
Police responded to complaints filed about a foul odor coming from their neighbor’s house only to find the dead bodies of the owner of the house and two others inside. The two unknown victims were found in each of the two bedrooms. Their bodies appeared to have been torn apart into six pieces each and were both covered by blankets. The body of Demi Davis, the owner of the house, was found sitting at the dining room table clutching a strange suicide note in one hand and the kitchen knife used to slit her own throat in the other. Police also found a message written on the walls in the two other victims’ blood.
A short investigation concluded that Demi Davis had become stricken with grief when she found out that her girlfriend, Janice Grier, had been found dead in her own bed, her body torn to pieces and covered by her blood-soaked blanket. FBI profilers believe that Miss Davis killed her two victims in the exact same way either to feel closer to her girlfriend, or to get back at the person who killed her. Although the original killer is still at large, authorities are unsure whether or not he or she will strike again.
The bloody message on the walls at both crime scenes read: NO ESCAPE! ALWAYS WATCHING!
DISCLAIMER: In order to protect the identities of those involved, all names in this document have been changed.

So, uh... I finally succeeded in writing my first ever creepypasta story~ I had planned to write one a while ago with my amazing friend :iconblackblooddemon69: but I got a little sidetracked... Then I lost all my frikkin notes for the original QAQ Anyway, a couple nights ago I got a new idea and just decided to keep the same characters (except the cp monster thing. I changed that) Anyway... Please let me know what you think ^^

This story and all characters belong to me. Please do not use without my permission. Thank you. :dummy:
© 2014 - 2024 CandiGhoul
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AngelBlake's avatar
Pretty creepy but super good I really like it hope I'm not next lol 12:02pm